Why You Should Strive To Be Average

Chances are being average will get you ahead faster

3 min readJun 27, 2021
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Wait, what is this guy talking about? Being average will get me ahead? Is he serious?

“Yes and no.”

It’s complicated, but I’ll explain. In this day and age, most people are below average and they don’t even know it. This applies to happiness, wealth and health — arguably the three most important pillars to having a fruitful life.

Why are people below average without realizing it?

“It’s their environment.”

Your environment determines a lot about you, this runs back to the epic debate between nature vs nurture. Think about it, being in a bad environment changes you. It toughens you. Have you met anyone from that environment? They’ve been through a lot and it shows.

Environment changes the chemical composition within your body. Your personality changes, you have to adapt in order to survive, hell even stay sane. So how does this tie back into being below average?

You are comparing yourself to your environment, that tiny slice of the world that you live within. The people around you are below average and even if you’re ahead of them, you’re still far off from the real average.

That’s why you need to explore, physically and mentally. Travel helps and keeping an open mind does wonders. Why do you think people recommend reading books? It opens up your mind and it’s literally at your fingertips, the most accessible tool at your disposal.

So why does being average mean?

“It means you have a realistic idea of being in the middle.”

Being in the middle is good, it’s encouraged from my view. Life has a way of equalizing things, no matter what it is. Read that again and think of every time you were happy and how that high came crashing down.

Why did that happen?

“Life has highs and lows, stay in the middle to play the long game.”

Being in the middle will get you further, without facing troublesome problems. You ever heard the song Mo Money Mo Problems by Biggie Smalls? Isn’t having more money good? Why would you have more problems? Because you’re above average, and being above average brings problems.

So why can’t I strive to be above average and deal with the problems?

“You can, but you’ll never truly be happy.”

Yes, happiness is subjective — it depends on how you perceive happiness. But the argument I’m making is being average and staying in the middle is better for your physical and mental health when compared to being above average. Besides, life will continuously try to beat you down to the middle. Do you want to fight against life? I don’t.

How do I get to the middle?

“You build processes into your life that keep you in the middle.”

Eating too much meat? Incorporate veggies into your diet. Sitting too much at work? Work out in the morning and night before and after work. Saving every last dollar? Spend money on experiences and things you need. Living in clutter? Clean all of it out and live a minimalist lifestyle.

Trust me, it works — I’ve lived in the middle and I continue to level up, reaching new heights of health, wealth and happiness.

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Written by Sean

A multi-faceted individual, advertiser, writer, and chess enthusiast. A native New Yorker for the last 28 years and counting.

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